Monday, June 5, 2017

Daily texts and notes, May

May 20-1: On my way, after a week in Minneapolis,
IA, and IL with sibs, nieces, nephews, and grand niece
The outside of Meteor Crater, AZ
May 22 Refusing to pay
18-buck overlook fee:
Not a senior yet.

May 23:
A 2-day drive to
Petaluma; now at rest,
Watching clouds roll in

May 25
An afternoon drive
Through bucolic Marin:
I find a cheese sale

(Late lunch/early dinner)

May 26 Finished creating travel blog, prepped for Mock Tutor session.

May 27 Passed Mock Tutor Session, drove to Santa Rosa
Here's the view out my Santa Rosa sleeping quarters
I've met my charge and really like my host
It's going to be a pleasant gig.

May 28, 2017: Now I am 58. What I saw today. Little Free Library and a squashed lizard.  I borrowed The Clue of the Broken Locket. :D and dragged Rudy away from the flattened lizard. But he got a dead bird later

My birthday breakfast,
Chez Santa Rosa housesit.
Where's the sparkling wine?

May 29, 2017.

With his hind legs braced
In a perfect downward dog,
He sniffs well and pees.
(A quiet day, obviously)

May 30

Facing into wind
Bird chase cut short by leash
Bored by flowers.

May 31
Hike through redwoods
Followed by La Crema Wine.
The dog stayed at home.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really enjoying your photos and poems, Kari!
    -- Amber
